- I'm afraid I can shed no light on something as dark as the situation in Haiti right now. Give what you can.
- Vic Chesnutt died on Christmas day. I'm just now listening to At the Cut, one of the pair of his new releases last year. You should probably buy this. It won't make you feel any better, but it will sure as hell make you feel, which is something these days.
- Very much tired of having to continue to think about a certain former governor. I'm sick of people who are unquestioningly enamored with her. I'm sick of people who think she's the antichrist -- and I don't count myself among that group either. But she and cat hair sure can fill up a vacuum. I just wish some significant Republican -- and it would be lovely if this were also a woman, though I guess I shouldn't get greedy -- would emerge and get all wonkishly excited about some proposed solutions -- conservative ones, I'm fine with that -- to some actual problems -- climate change, the uninsured, illegal immigration, the dropout rate in the African-American community: these are not exclusively liberal problems -- and, whether as an aside or by way of introducing herself, just throw down the gauntlet and say that blind-faith "conservatism" is so last decade. I'm never sure what Fox News's latest addition really wants to do. Or even what she really wants me to do. I want someone from the opposition to articulate a vision for America. Not of a hazy, dazed nostalgic fantasy-past, but a vision for an actual, attainable future -- you know, goals and stuff. Even if this dream-pol were to emerge, I'm not sure I'd go her way, but I just want to feel like thinking people have an option at least. So much to ask?
- Broken most of my resolutions so far this year -- though I gave some of the more active ones target dates down the road a bit, so some will be broken in upcoming quarters.
More later. Much later, in all likelihood